Monthly Archives: September 2009

Obama gives up US as world leader for all-world territorial blocs

It’s a good idea to explore what news outlets in other countries have to say about this great nation of ours in light of what the mainstream government owned media is reporting; particularly after the G-20 summit in Pittsburgh and the U.N. meeting in New York this last week.

From Russia Today, September 25, 2009 ( an online publication);

“Upon studying the speeches delivered by the three leaders, the common plans of Russia and US become quite apparent, as does China’s non-involvement in these plans. This seriously questions the positions of analysts who suggested that growing cooperation between Russia and China in energy sphere could lead to a political alliance. Russia clearly indicated that it preferred an all-world coordination to territorial blocs and the United States said that it was ready to give up the status of world leader in favor of the same idea. (my bold parenthesis)

And there you have it friends. The truth is known to everyone in the world except for the kool-aid drinkers (in reference to the Jim Jones followers who drank the kool-aid like good little disciples) in America. There is a segment of our population who have no conscience for the Constitution. Unfortunately, more and more are in government.

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Paul McGuire: “Are You Ready?”

Bible prophecy is one of Paul McGuire’s passions. He is a well respected talk show host, writer and prophecy speaker.He has interviewed heads of state and spoken to thousands at conferences like the one below.

He understands the economy and the last days. He has biblical reason to believe things will be changing in our world rapidly this year which will include a new form of currency with Canada and Mexico.

Go to his website: where you can explore much of his work and avail yourself to his books. He is speaking at Beth Ariel Fellowship Oct. 1st located at 22222 Saticoy in Canoga Park, and it’s free!

Below see Paul at the Maranatha 4 Conference in Costa Mesa August 22, 2009. (Six parts)

Maranatha 4 Conference Part 1

Maranatha 4 Conference Part 2

Maranatha 4 Conference Part 3

Maranatha 4 Conference Part 4

Maranatha 4 Conference Part 5

Maranatha 4 Conference Part 6

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Filed under God, Christian, Life Reflections, Of Interest, Politics etc., Spiritual Growth

Massachusetts as a Model?

The state of Massachusetts has a failed state run health care system.  It is breaking the state according to Physicians for a National Health Care Program.

The state Senate recently passed Pandemic Bill 2028  that would mandate vaccination, quarantine and martial law of it’s citizen during a pandemic. Perhaps the Kennedy state is being used as a prototype, a model for what is about to come down the pike for millions of Americans with the the new H1N1 pandemic threat.

Massachusetts is a small state, a left state and a good laboratory for this experiment. This bill will allow authorities to enter one’s home, quarantine, subject the resident to a physical examination and may either make the resident(s) leave the home for decontamination or quarantine one there- making the citizen vulnerable, without the ability to go out and ” publicly assemble”  ie, you cannot buy food or water.

It seems that Massachusetts is being held to the light, suffering if you will as an experiment, for the left. Not to identify problems, not for the sake of the people, not because their leadership has an interest in the well-being of it’s citizens- but to determine the scope of reaction from it’s citizens. The population at large could be a prototype.

My friends, do what you need to do to take care of yourself and your family now. Pray- and let God lead you to do what you must. If the states begin to enact this as a “precautionary” measure, the federal government will not need to step in, you will get your freedom taken from you locally, and the feds hands will be clean of it.

Remember that what is going on in Washington right now is a lot of slight of hand.  Keep your eyes and ears open to what is going on in your state.

Massachusettes Alert: Bad Pandemic Bill

Wake Up America

H1N1 and the Government

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Filed under Of Interest

Tea partiers march on U.S. Capitol

There were over a million people by some estimates who made their way to Washington DC on Saturday, 9/12. They were not there because they were paid off or finally got someone in office who was going to give them everything. They were not there because they were about to get their moneys’ worth in contributions with benefits… they were like you and me.  Some took the day or week off to be there. Why did they do it? Partly because they refuse to live in fear of our government, they understand the Constitution and are full of courage, intelligence and faith. A sleeping giant has arisen.

Our government is about to force all of us into submission with a godless form of control via health coverage by coercion-  and there are those who will no longer keep silent. If the politicians and the White House won’t listen to us in our towns, on the phone or by letter, we have to go knock on their doors… and so we did. It was a beautiful thing!

Tea partiers march on U.S. Capitol

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Filed under Of Interest, Politics etc.

Acorn at it again in Washington DC

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Filed under Of Interest, Politics etc.