Obama gives up US as world leader for all-world territorial blocs

It’s a good idea to explore what news outlets in other countries have to say about this great nation of ours in light of what the mainstream government owned media is reporting; particularly after the G-20 summit in Pittsburgh and the U.N. meeting in New York this last week.

From Russia Today, September 25, 2009 ( an online publication);

“Upon studying the speeches delivered by the three leaders, the common plans of Russia and US become quite apparent, as does China’s non-involvement in these plans. This seriously questions the positions of analysts who suggested that growing cooperation between Russia and China in energy sphere could lead to a political alliance. Russia clearly indicated that it preferred an all-world coordination to territorial blocs and the United States said that it was ready to give up the status of world leader in favor of the same idea. (my bold parenthesis)

And there you have it friends. The truth is known to everyone in the world except for the kool-aid drinkers (in reference to the Jim Jones followers who drank the kool-aid like good little disciples) in America. There is a segment of our population who have no conscience for the Constitution. Unfortunately, more and more are in government.

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