Tag Archives: christian schools

SB 572 Signed by Schwarzeneggar

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill late Sunday night SB 572, that will honor the homosexual Harvey Milk,  a former City Supervisor of San Francisco, slain by an assassin. Each May 22, California public schools as well as other public offices have the opportunity to take days off and or observe this mans life in memory.

After reading some of the things he said, does he deserve so great a place in the culture of California schools? Milk Quotes etc.. Also see:  Milk: Gay People Will Not Win Their Rights By Standing Silently in the Closet. Or Google him- there is plenty to concern a parent whose desire is to keep sexuality out of the classroom environment. Does this quote make you comfortable?

“More people have been slaughtered in the name of religion than for any other single reason. That, my friends, that is true perversion.” – Harvey Milk

Did Milk mean to say those of us who hold our Christian values important enough to die for are perverse? What else could he have meant?

Milk’s murder was attributed to the revenge of a disgruntled employee of then Mayor George Moscone by the name of  Dan White.  White was denied an opportunity to take a position back for which he had resigned. In his rage he killed Moscone and Milk. Milk was an outspoken homosexual figure in San Francisco.

California children will now be subject to a discretionary agenda to celebrate the newly established holiday.

The new law designates Mr. Milk’s birthday, May 22, as a day of “special significance” and encourages schools to observe days of recognition and “conduct suitable commemorative exercises.”

Where are the California churches with their magnificent buildings, million dollar donations to missions and happy patio times? Shouldn’t they be engaged in giving our Christian children free education (or at least heavily subsidized) for the sake of preserving the family and the gospel? First let us preserve our own freedom, otherwise we will be able to help no one. Our children are being brainwashed and dare I say God will hold us responsible.

Our colleges are following the same agenda as our governing bodies. The Progressive agenda, socialism, Marxism, hatred for capitalism and mostly hatred toward Christians and the message of Christianity are the basics of higher education.

Why are we putting our innocent children into the lions den for 5 days a week and expecting that Sunday mornings and a few hours after school in  a Christian activity will give them what they need?

Could we see a pastor or two whose congregation is now running a Christian school stop their big fund-raising programs for more buildings or staff and start focusing on education of the congregations’ children while we still have freedom to get such an education?

Is it ludicrous or necessary to start a campaign to get Christian children educated at Christian schools? Churches should bond together with congregational funds if they would be willing to give up their new building plans and cut down on their sizable staffs.

When there is abundance, there seems to be a trend to create new positions, new ministries, and new missions involvement; but perhaps it is time to get back to basics, before our children are so indoctrinated that they too will turn against us for lack of knowledge of the truth.

From the Baptist Press:  California Students to Learn About Gay Pioneer

This released October 15, 2009: Federal Curriculum 101

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